
Mid 20-something resident of Mayapur Dham, graphic designer and photographer wannabe, dancer, earthquake survivor, jewellery designer, seamstress, mother-of-one, but ultimately just a servant of Srimati Radharani.

The last few years have been tough. Not in a very obvious way, but enough that I knew something had to change and I guess who better than myself. Who am I to be expecting everything and everyone around me to change.

The idea to move first came from my sister back in May 2010. It appealed to me, simply because I knew I could leave some of the difficulties behind me... kind of like running away. Of course I refused to think of it like that - running away - because it made me seem like a coward. But essentially thats what it was, and I liked leaving everything behind me.

And so it came that 10 months later, Ishaan and I were packed up on a plane headed for Kolkata, each with a 20kg bag in the airplane's luggage compartment. Our whole life in two bags. The timing for us leaving couldn't have been more perfect - we left NZ exactly one month after the 6.3 magnitude earthquake that rocked our hometown, Christchurch, leaving it looking like a war-zone, and exactly two months after I signed my divorce papers (a war-zone of a completely different nature!). Of course even if neither of these things had happened, I still would've left NZ, but somehow the fact that they did happen, seemed to re-iterate that moving was exactly what I needed, exactly what Krsna knew I needed.

What better place to come than to Mayapur. Now that I am here, I can see that I am not running away from all of that, in fact I am running towards all of this. Towards Sri Sri Radha Madhava and Gauranga Mahaprabhu.

In this blog I will write everything about me and in my heart that changes, everything that amazes me about my life in India, everything that continues to astound me, everything that Sri Radha teaches me, everything and anything.

Read on... and judge, agree, criticize, scrutinize as you will... ...