Thursday, May 12, 2011

Dress ups

Ishaan had been asking me for weeks if his friend Madhurika from preschool could come over for a play-date, but both myself and Madhurika's mum had just been to busy. Yesterday we finally had her over to play. They watched a little bit of Gopal Krsna, and proceeded to spend the rest of the time dancing and pretending to be Radha and Krsna. Just before I took Madhurika home, they had a talk amongst themselves and made a plan to get their mothers to dress them up to look the part, and meet later at the boat festival to continue dancing. Needless to say I spent the next 20 minutes searching for a yellow cloth to use as Krsna's dhoti, with a very impatient Ishaan jumping up and down next to me "Make sure we get my flute mama, Krsna always has a flute!"

Sometimes I will catch him doing things and my heart will soar - THIS is why I'm so glad we came to Mayapur, to see my son grow up surrounded in such a Krsna Conscious environment, where all he does is dream, read, sing, speak and think about Krsna. Reading Krsna stories and knowing all his favorite pastimes, re-enacting some of them, picking flowers for Krsna, paying obeisances, singing the Nrsimhadeva prayers and the Govindam prayers from start to finish, and reminding me of things I sometimes forget: "Krsna is in our heart isn't He mama? And if we serve Him, we can go to His home and see Him and play all day long can't we mama? Can we pick those flowers for Krsna? He will love them won't he mama"

Sure beats dressing up and pretending to be Ken and Barbie right... ...

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