Thursday, May 5, 2011

Chandan Yatra

Tomorrow is Chandan Yatra. I'm excited... and mostly because I love any excuse for another festival! I know of Chandan Yatra of course, but its a fairly new experience for me because of course we don't need to celebrate it in New Zealand - its far too cold even in the summer. Last year I looked on every day during Chandan Yatra to see Madhava's beautiful lotus eyes smiling at me through His chandan paste, wishing I could be there to see Him in person. Just see... Krsna fulfills all desires.

I'm learning fast that practically every second day there is a festival here in Mayapur. And guess what... Chandan Yatra lasts 21 days. Hows brilliant is that. I don't think I'll be able to sleep much tonight.

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