Monday, August 29, 2011

Cooking for Sri Radha

Original painting by Yasoda Dulal das (my father)

I saw somewhere recently (probably facebook) where a devotee cooked a 51-prep offering for their istha-dev for Janmastami this year. And so it got me thinking...

Radhastami is fast approaching and seeing as this is my all time most favorite ever in the whole wide world nothing beats it festival of the year, perhaps I could do something similar? Ok so maybe not 51 preps, but something manageable, 21 maybe? Whats the right amount? Is there a right and wrong amount of preparations one can make for the deity? hmmm that might be one I'll need to look up in Pancharatna Pradip.

In any case a menu must be made (would definitely appreciate some ideas for dishes and preps!), ingredients bought, recipes sought out. And of course recipients of the prasad chosen........

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Testing Faith

Almost as soon as Kowhai arrived in Mayapur dham, Krsna took care of her.

We got home after a long 2 days in Kolkata, showered and dressed quickly to attend the festivities for Sri Balaram Jayanti, and the last day of the swing festival. We had taken an early train to get back in time, but already the festival had started. We got dressed quickly. Although I had told Kowhai she wasn't obliged to come to the festival, I wanted her to see what I see - the fun and festivities, the prasadam, worship, love for Krsna.

We arrived at the festival site just as devotees and pilgrims were lining up to get a chance to push Radha-Madhava on Their beautifully decorated swing, and I pulled Kowhai's hand to join the queue. She must have been a little bewildered - we had come in such a hurry - and barely got time to let out an "ooh" and "wow" at the fairy lights, flower garlands and beautiful decorations.

Once we were safely behind the barriers to wait our turn, I began to explain Jhulan Yatra to her, and the reasoning behind the different things that were going on around us. I told her what the boys sitting in the middle were doing; rhythmically playing the drum, clanging the symbols, singing sweetly into the microphone. I explained why the festival was taking place, what we were celebrating and exactly what they were doing with the big clay pots of food up by Radha Madhava.

The line was moving fairly quickly, every now and then stopping for 20 minutes or so in order to complete an offering off bhoga. The barrier finally lifted for our turn to swing, and we both rushed forward, ready to take that string and partake in Radha-Madhava's jhulan pastimes. As it so happened, we ended up being up close to Radha Madhava for a bhoga offering - at least 20 minutes - and I marveled at how Lord Sri Krsna had timed this. Kowhai was amazed by the swing, the garlands, the fruit decorations and the water features all around. I continued a running commentary of everything that was going on, and she silently took everything in.

Later, after Kowhai and Ishaan had crashed in their beds after the exhausting few days gone, I thought about what it meant for Kowhai to come here. To Mayapur Dham, one of the most holiest of places. Surely she has a connection with Krsna and has unfinished business from a previous life. It is my duty to pass on my knowledge to her, so she can fully understand the lifestyle I lead, and not because its all about me and how I live. Because she has come here, not by chance, but because Krsna has led her here.

Now I'm no preacher. I grew up understanding that Krsna wears yellow cloth and has a peacock feather in his hair, and this I know to be true... just as we have all grown up knowing the grass is green and the ocean has waves. But to explain this simple truth to someone who has no clue... where do I begin? I did't want to scare her away, leaving her with memories of some sort of cult she visited and disliked. Loving Krsna is blissful and sublime, what could be better than that? And here she is, with an open mind and an open heart...

Over the past 10-12 days I have shown Kowhai all around Mayapur and explained everything I know to her. We didn't sit down in the evening and discuss literature or Krsna stories. We never attended any morning classes. I simply explained all that was going on around us and answered any questions she had about what I told her. We would go to temple darshan at 7am, and I would talk through what they were offering to the deities, what we were all singing, why we would take caranamrta and so on. We went to the Jagannath Mandir, the Yoga Pith, Prabhupada's Samadhi. I was amazed at how much she picked up, how much she respected and how much she accepted. Sometimes it was her explaining things to me, or correcting me.

Above all else I felt a true test of faith in my explanations to Kowhai. She would sometimes ask me questions that I wouldn't know the answer to, or perhaps dig deeper in to reasonings behind certain things we do. I was forced to sit back and think about why I do do certain things, and why we follow certain guidelines. Do I do them because I understand WHY, or is it simply because I have told that way to be true? In essence I found myself preaching to me as well, reiterating things I already knew but had forgotten or let slip, reminding myself of the reasons behind things.

No, I didn't find all the answers to the questions she asked. Some of them we searched together to find them, others we just left hanging. But it is now up to me to find those answers, and understand them fully. How can I claim to "preach" and to be a devotee of Krsna if I do not understand Krsna Consciousness fully? Perhaps when Kowhai returns to Mayapur (not in her immediate future plans but who knows, Krsna works in mysterious ways!) then I can give her the answers she needs.

Monday, August 8, 2011

A few thoughts

Apologies for not writing sooner. I actually had a few posts I wanted to write on different things, but never got the chance to sit down and put thoughts to paper - or laptop should I say... and slowly these thoughts have faded. Tsk tsk I say to myself - as that was the purpose in this blog.

This is the festival month. Jhulan Yatra begins tomorrow, Balaram's appearance day on Saturday, Janmastami, Srila Prabhupada's Vyasa Puja... its all happening! And you know how much I love festivals!

I've been helping out with Srila Prabhupada's Vyasa Puja book this year - they asked me to design the cover. Simple right, they're doing all the hard work and creating the pages each from scratch. Every page has a different drawing, pressed flowers, sketches, braid, painting... you name it, its in the book. So the cover should be a piece of cake right. Thats what I thought. I started making it with all confidence, a design in my head and off I went. But the days have turned into weeks, and now when I approach the project to work more on it, my inspiration dies. I started out well, and then I began to get all high and mighty about how I had been asked to design the cover and what an amazing job I am going to do... Although I have to give it to Manisi Rani Mataji in the morning, I am not happy with it and want to start all over again, which is obviously not possible.

Ishaan started school again this morning, after 6 weeks on holiday. I must admit I let that be a great excuse as to why we never made it to darshan arati in the morning. Every evening I would go to bed, enthusiastic to set the alarm and be ready to go by 7am - but when the alarm did go off the next morning, the comfort of my bed was calling louder. Sometimes we would go in the evening for darshan, to make up for it... but deep down I felt a little pang of guilt that I couldn't spare an hour in the morning to go and see the Lords. Thats why I am here right, to be surrounded by devotees and surrounded by Krsna constantly. So why should I be making excuses as to why I didn't go and see Him? I never feel guilty about not going to darshan arati in New Zealand, why here, why now?

In any case with the start of school today, I made an effort to get us back into routine - early nights and early mornings again. When I saw the deities this morning, I wondered why I had been making so many goddam excuses... I missed Them.